They are common characteristics which successful entrepreneurs share. These characteristics do not guarantee success or reduce the risks associated with starting a business. However this is a starting point for you as the owner of a small business to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. Self-evaluation is very important because it helps you focus your early efforts on your strong points, while working to improve and work on your weaknesses. That is, if your strengths are in marketing but weak on the financial side, then you will need to find a way to deal with that part of the business in order to succeed.

1.  SELF–STARTER: You take the initiative to develop your business model and follow all the necessary steps needed to progress.

2.  VISIONARY: Your goals are set as you plan ahead, you are creative, innovative and have created plans which you follow.

3.   CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVER: You find creative ways to overcome your challenges. To you challenges are not stumbling blocks which are just part of the road to becoming a successful entrepreneur. You are a good decision maker, constantly making quick decisions under pressure and independently.

4.   LEADER: The leader in you takes responsibility, is accountable for their actions and goes all out to lead by example. You are ready to call the shots and have people turn to you for answers and direction. You motivate and inspire others. Strong motivation is needed for business success, especially during times of slowdowns and periods of burnout. 

5.   INTERPERSONAL SKILLS: You are a good communicator with great people’s skills. Being in business requires developing interactive working relationships with a variety of people including customers and staff.

 Don’t be left behind and take the self-assessment test at : https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WM3MJM2